Engaged & Inspired Wedding Planning

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Engagement Party Details - Treats

I loved the treat table! I went into this a bit already on the "Cakes Pops" post, so check it out if you want to find out how to make those cute cake balls or pops! I got the big diamonds, the napkins and the mason jars from Michaels. The orange and yellow vases were from Crate and Barrel. I am OBSESSED with them. Overall the treat table was a major hit! The little "Cake Pop" tags were made by Print Your Party as well!

I can't seem to find a full picture but we did has a banner from Tucker Reece which said "TREATS" to match the others!

I absolutely loved the details I added to the party! I do wish I had more pictures of the entire space but my brother took the camera for a long time. (If you want to see a ton of pictures of our fence and the flower garden, he took ample photos of that! haha) I'll gather more together and show them too! It was the best engagement party ever, definitely everything I could have asked for.

Want to see more of my engagement party? Check out the engagement party tags, and other engagement party details. Oh and check out these other engagement party or bridal shower desserts on a stick.