Engaged & Inspired Wedding Planning

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Resource Library :: Starting Off On The Right Foot

Wedding planning can be a thrilling and a rip-your-hair-out stressed experience. With the seemingly endless list of to-do's, how do you keep track of it all? There are lots of useful items out there to keep you sane, your budget in check and little details remembered. All you have to do is decide which method or methods is right for you. Setting an organized foundation for your wedding planning is the key to nights free of wedding talk with your fiancee, friends and family and the wedding day of your dreams. There is a planning book for every bride and below are some great options. I have to add that if I had gone the book route, the first option The Everything Wedding Organizer is a great planner and has plenty of space to write down your thoughts on the vendor you're testing out or deciding what type of honeymoon you and your fiancee want.

Source: The Very Best Wedding Planner, Wedding Planner in a Box

For DIY brides, there are are idea books to help you get inspired and organized as well as step-by-step guides on how to plan and execute your wedding. One of the best is Handmade Weddings, created by the lovely ladies of Hello Lucky.

Source: Handmade Weddings, The DIY Bride

Apps for your smart phone help you keep your lists at your finger tips and the ability to jot down reminders and ideas without searching for a pen and paper. Allison talked about a great app called Wedding Happy, and I recommend checking it out. My favorites for keeping organized are The Knot wedding app and Scatter Brain.

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 Finally, for the do-it-yourself-er or the bride that likes things simple there are journals and notebooks for you to create your own planner/organizer. This is the method I'm using and I find it to be very simple and effective and when used with the apps a very stress-free way to stay organized. Of course like all things wedding, your handmade planner must be pretty.

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 What planning methods are you using?

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