cute & clever {escort cards}

Not gonna lie, people..... the bridal anxiety has set in. I'm trying my best not to freak out, but omg the big day is here in just 33 days! I'd like to have 95% of my work done 2 weeks before, which means I have 2 WEEKS to get my butt in gear! I have plenty of little things that need my attention. one of which is seating. Should I have a map/list of guests' names & tables with a name card at their seat, or should I make escort cards and have guests seat themselves at the table? Well, if I do escort cards I would like something cute and/or clever.... like any of these:

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lavender escorts double as pretty table decor

These succulent escort cards double as party favors :)

Thank you Allison for emailing me some escort card inspiration and for the advice. You're totally right-  "You can do something simple and just add a tiny twist to make it kind of different. For example, an escort card with something that matches your wedding taped with a little piece of glitter tape." I think the simple route is the direction I'm headed ;)

What are your thoughts, brides-to-be? Anyone else only a month a way? Or perhaps you just had your big day? Any words of wisdom for me as I wuickly approach mine???

xo, Taya

Rock Candy Wedding Inspiration

This is the most amazing photo to start off a Wednesday morning.

If you have been to Inspired Collective, you will know that I am having a major infatuation with rock candy right now. Fall or spring, rustic or glam, rock candy fits into any category and the uses are literally endless. From thank you's to escort cards and to create hanging installations behind candy tables or in the ceremony space, I literally have so so many ideas up my sleeve.

These colors are so inspirational, aren't they? In case you are looking for a resource for Rock Candy, I got mine from Amazon. I got both assorted colors and all white, and paired one of each (white and colored) for favors.

Credit: CakeCoffeeEat meRock CandyPlace CardsDrink