Engaged & Inspired Wedding Planning

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A Whole Lotta Color

The original inspiration of this post came from the concept of color blocking. It isn't something that we have fully seen transition to weddings just yet, but it is all over the fashion industry and well, it is only a matter of time!


What started as a post in color blocking simply turned into a whole lotta color and some of the fabulous things you can do with it. I swear, I used to be all about white, cream and ivory when it came to weddings (yes, I know those are essentially all the same color) but I feel like I have become infused with color after a long dry spell.

Source: Flowers, Card

You want to know why I didn't want a whole lot of color in my wedding? I was seriously afraid of it. Seriously and truly afraid. When you have the options of color, ummm you have like a ga-jillion options! How do you choose? How do you pick colors that match with other colors? I know this sounds kind of dumb, but it really what went through my head.


I stuck to what I knew, white was what I knew, and I had muted tones everywhere. I kind of wish I spruced things up a lot more, but at least I had some fabulous florals to brighten things up. If any of you brides are feeling how I felt, don't let it stop you from creating something fabulous. Because as pretty as white is, color is much more fun.




If any of you agree with me on being scared colorless (I just made that up...and I really like it!) then please do let me know and I can help you with some colorful details that fit your style and plans. I wouldn't want you to miss out on some colorful additions because you felt like I did.