Engaged & Inspired Wedding Planning

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{Darling Details}: Signs & Banners

Merry Christmas and Happy 6th day of Hanukkah! I hope you are enjoying the holiday season with family and friends. With the end of 2011 in sight, I realize our wedding date is quickly approaching! It is time to start thinking about the little details that I hope will set our wedding apart from others. Two of my favorite little details are hand painted signs and DIY pennant flag banners. These details are common in rustic, outdoor weddings and while our garden wedding will be taking place indoors, {I was worried July would be too humid, even in the evening} I hope to be able to incorporate some of these pretty little touches into our day!

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

How cute is that dog? I wish I could incorporate my pup, Cooper into our wedding, but I'm pretty sure our church would not approve! You can actually purchase that sign on etsy, but I hope to be really ambitious and find a DIY version of these ideas! Do you know any great DIY tutorials? Please send them my way! What DIY touches did you incorporate (or do you hope to incorporate) into your wedding? What are your thoughts on pets in a wedding? Have you ever seen it done successfully?