Engaged & Inspired Wedding Planning

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Happy Weekend + My Weekend Travels

I have never been as into Instagram as I was today and if you are following me on Twitter, likely you have seen all the galavanting. I guess being alone for the weekend and traveling around to amazing places like Carmel and Monterey warrants some good picture-taking opportunities. First up I went to Nordstrom and through those travels I found this sparkley piece of gorgeousness for only $128. Talk about a wonderful statement necklace.

Next up I headed to my all-time favorite place in the whole world, Holman Ranch. Yes, I am officially dubbing it my all time favorite place. Look how gorgeous it was today. 75 and sunny....thanks weather, way to be awesome. Rain all over my wedding day, but be sunny at the end of October.

Next up I went to do the rehearsal for a bride's wedding I am planning on Saturday. She handed me a little gift, and when I got the chance to open it, I was amazed at the gift. How thoughtful and amazing is this iPhone case! She must be reading my blog.

Next up I headed to my hotel for the weekend, Hotel Pacific, where I snuggled up alone with take-out from a fancy restaurant, Top Model, lots and lots of work and a fire in the fireplace. What a nice little night.

Have a fun Halloween weekend! I'll be at a wedding on Saturday, followed by a night in Monterey with all the girls who agreed to come down and hang out with me for a little slumber party.