Engaged & Inspired Wedding Planning

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{Inspired Collective} I Call This "Progress"

Yesterday morning this is what we were dealing with. Just putting the first pieces of paint on the walls, working with a million things everywhere, and a HUGE awesome sign that needed to be hung.

I luckily, have a few really awesome people that love to work on things like this. With the help of mostly 1 friend, we were here for about 12 hours working away. The difference from these photos yesterday morning to today are literally night and day!

As of this morning, the painting is SO close to being complete, the sign is hung, all the shelves have been built, and so many other little things that you don't realize need to be done to make a place look good!

I had no idea how much fun, and how much work, this was actually going to be. Myself, with 2 of my fave friends painting, spackling, building, and working (and Ian sitting at our crafting table working on the website :) he is so cute....) we were here until around 11 hard at work blasting Girl Talk and dancing the night away with paint brushes in our hands!

This should explain my absence yesterday, and why I have been virtually impossible to get ahold of!

Inspired Collective will be open for business on Tuesday after Labor Day! And we are most definitely on target (despite what you see in the photos above!). I hope you can all stop by at some point. In case you want to pay me a surprise visit, 327 E. Campbell Ave. is the address!