Engaged & Inspired Wedding Planning

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Tablescape Testing

My totally amazing planner, Shannon Leahy, came over to my house yesterday. I took her into the wedding room to show off anything and everything I have. It was great to go through the space with an idea of what is going where and giving her a chance to look at it all. Turns out she loved all my new furniture as much as I do (thanks to some wonderful Bay Area antique stores and some even more wonderful deals!) and thinks we should bring some of those pieces for the wedding as well. Yes please.

Next up we actually put together the tablescape. We measured, got plates, table runners, centerpieces and everything else to actually see what it looks like. You would think this meeting would have added things to my to-do list, but on the contrary, it took a bunch of stuff off it. I guess I thought 30 inch tables had endless amounts of space between the two plates because I had ideas of adding all these things down the center of the table that I now realize just won't fit. Turns out 6 inches isn't all that much space. I had to change some of the ideas I have had in place since the beginning, but at the end of the day, it looked totally incredible. The rain ended up cutting off our day of fun, but at least we got to see it all together.

I posted a sneak peek photo of the finished table on my facebook page.

We even used the flowers that Ian got me for Valentine's Day and loved the color palette that was thrown together with some week-old blooms.

Oh and guess what, THE INVITES WENT OUT! Yes, I know, I can't believe it either. After being seriously ridiculously late, I finally finished adding twine around way way too many invites (you think it would take 5 mins, but OMG it takes so long.) While working out the carriage house floor plan with Shannon I was tying away trying to finish up the rest of these bad boys.

Now that they are done and sent, I will be taking photos of these and posting them up here. Let's just say that I have heard more than once so far that these are the best invitations the person has ever seen. (but I don't want to hype it up or anything.)