Engaged & Inspired Wedding Planning

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Venues Tips

Source: Villa Viscaya, Murietta's Well, Los Gatos Opera House.

Source: Bernardus, Highlands Inn, Carmel Valley Venue

I need a little wedding break so I can get my thoughts together and re-focus my vision BUT I can't re-focus my vision until I find the venue! So the search continues.

After looking at a few venues, I am sick of the time it takes to get any real information. So as brides, what can you do to get the answers you need and fast? Venues need a few details to give you pricing info about their venue. Here are some of the following.

  • What day?
  • Afternoon or night wedding? How many guests?
  • What month? Give a few if aren't completely sure.
  • If they are the sole caterer let them know if you prefer Buffet or Sit Down.

Send over an email with that relevant information and request a quote from the venue. This way you get a final answer instead of trying to figure out and calculate how much you will pay.

What tips do you have for keeping all your inquiries together??? Let me know which other areas you would like tips in as well!